Got the small folk a new bike today. A balance bike. Weeeeee! It looks like so much fun I wish I could drink some potion and make myself smaller so I could have a go. The 'thrifted' (my new favorite word) trike from nana just wasn't built for the tracks around here, which kept us largely confined to the 'block' (read footpath). The theory is that with a little more grip on the tyres of the new bike, that small folk may be able to head off road, go further and expend less energy on pumping little legs in millions of rotations each 10 metres they ride....On our way home from the bike shop, called in to buy some milk and a plush doggie was instantly selected, cuddled close and thus adopted by Alice. Now I don't do plush purchases, mostly cause I make 'em myself, but also because we have a cupboard full of plushie thangs that were gifted to our small folk over the years that they have never even looked like being interested in. But this plushie doggie is the same size as Alice and she seized it like it had always been hers. Absolutely not negotiable. The dog is coming home with us, mum, now pay the lady. Apparently a portion of the sale of these plushies goes to the RSPCA. Nice one. I challenge you to resist those criteria. Speaking of what makes us buy what we buy, is anyone watching The Gruen Transfer on ABC1? It's a panel of advertising folk chatting about how advertising has it's way with us. Tonight was underwear. Apparently women want knickers that reflect each one of 24 archetypical moods, according to Marks and Spencer. For mine, I just want to get through complete yoga practice without my knickers going up my bum. This phenomenon is so common in yoga, it's even been deemed a 'wedgie break'. Blokes just have good knickers and everyday knickers. I'll have to remind my 'having a crisis in the underwear department' buddy from this earlier post of mine.
The most challenging thing about the challenge of not consuming unnecessarily, is when it comes to my small folk - a plushie certainly isn't essential, but intuitive parenting (i.e. my heart) told me it was okay today. And just look at her slumping all over that doggie!
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